
Join #90GiftsForOurTutu and celebrate Desmond Tutu’s life of service

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu turns 90 this year. As our gift to him, the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation is appealing to people worldwide to join our collaborative celebration of his life, and the warmth and compassion he has shown throughout it

We will launch the #90GiftsForOurTutu campaign on Friday 9 July 2021.

“The Archbishop is a gift to South Africa and the world. He has consistently, sometimes in the face of great odds, demonstrated to people worldwide that ubuntu, respect, forgiveness, integrity, reconciliation and compassion are values worth upholding. Living according to these values is often difficult, but they are the essence of ethical, servant leadership, and we are eternally indebted to Desmond Tutu for never wavering from showing us the way. Now we offer you a chance to give him the gift of your conscious reflection of these values,” says Foundation CEO Piyushi Kotecha.

The campaign will lead up to another of the Foundation’s gifts to the Archbishop – the Truth to Power exhibition, which will be launched in Cape Town in October 2021, for the Archbishop’s 90th birthday.

Through the #90GiftsForOurTutu campaign the Foundation is inviting the public to celebrate Archbishop Tutu’s life by performing small acts of goodwill that reflect the values of ubuntu, respect, forgiveness, integrity, reconciliation and compassion – one a day for the 90 days from Friday 9 July 2021 to the Archbishop’s birthday on Thursday 7 October 2021. These 90 gifts have been carefully crafted to be easily doable, whether you are nine or 90, and there will be a few that honour one of the characteristics for which the Archbishop is most-loved: his deep-seated sense of joy and fun.

Those who join the #90GiftsForOurTutu campaign will also receive sneak peeks of the Truth to Power exhibition, and notifications of several exciting events taking place in the run-up to the Archbishop’s birthday. Follow our social media accounts for more details: @TutuLegacy – Twitter; tutu_legacy_foundation – Instagram; Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation – Facebook.

Truth to Power is a first-of-its-kind showcase of the Archbishop’s enormous contribution to South African and world history, and will be on permanent display at the Old Granary building in Cape Town, which is home to the Foundation’s offices. The exhibition forms part of the Foundation’s Knowledge Legacy Programme, which aims to showcase the profound impact Archbishop Tutu has had on the world, through its programmes, interactive exhibitions, events and educational material.